Monday, June 6, 2011

Hayde (Kazım Koyuncu) - lyrics & translation

This is a beautiful song belonging to the late Kazım Koyuncu. Every departure is early, but his was especially so. The lyrics are in the Black Sea region's local dialect, hence might be foreign to a beginner of Turkish. The song is in that region's musical style, which is popular throughout Turkey. One especially enjoys the tulum solos in the song.

My translation -which is quite crude- follows:

Come on let's go, come on
To the mountain for blackberries*
To someone who is engaged to another
How can I say come on

I climbed and pruned the pine
Dropped it to half of what it was
How does one call this love
May the ground swallow it

One shouldn't prune
Alder sapling off the top
One shouldn't shy away from
The beloved lover this much

I climbed down to the flat of the brook
And grafted the engraftment
Being in love is a good thing
And I have just started doing it

* karayemiş: literally "blackberry", but refers to cherry laurel.

---and here are the original lyrics---

Hayde gidelum hayde
Dağa karayemişa
Elun nişanlisina
Ben nasil deyim hayde

Çiktum çami budadum
Endurdum yarisina
Boyle sevda mi olur
Girsun yerun dibina

Kizilağaç fidani
Tepeden budanur mi
İnsan sevduği yardan
Bu kadar utanur mi

Endum dere duzina
Aşlamayi aşladum
Sevdaluk eyi şeydur
Ben da yeni başladum