Thursday, February 28, 2008

President Hillary Clinton

I am writing this post at February 28th, 2008. As of yet, Obama and Clinton are in a tight race which Obama seems to be leading. There is still few primaries left, and supposedly there are superdelegates who can vote either way. I am writing this to guess/estimate/prophesize that Hillary will win this race, and subsequently she will win the race for the White House and be the next president of the USA.

Few things here:

1. I do not support either candidate, and I am not a voter.

2. I believe that future, just like past can be read into. If there are enough causes for an event to happen, if that event is a logical necessity, you do not need to know the situation at hand, that event is bound to happen. The way I see things, USA just is not ready to have a non-white president, and even if the voters are ready for it, there are many levels a presidential candidate can trip over an obstacle.

3. As with any statement, there's a possibility that I may be proven wrong (if Obama wins the Democratic candidacy, or if Clinton wins the candidacy however loses the race for the White House). I have the scientific view on this: If you are wrong with your hypothesis, that means one of your assumptions is wrong or you disregarded an important cause.

I will not edit this post.