white plays and mates in two.
solution and explanation:
1. fxe6 e.p. f5 2. Bxf5 mate.
the only last possible move of black can be e7-e5. all 16 white pieces are on board so d6xe5 is impossible. e6-e5 is impossible as a black pawn at e6 would have given check. other possible last moves are discarded in a similar way.
the position is legal as far as i can tell. white pawn structure indicates minimum 4 captures and this is possible as there are 9 black pieces on the board.
solution and explanation:
1. fxe6 e.p. f5 2. Bxf5 mate.
the only last possible move of black can be e7-e5. all 16 white pieces are on board so d6xe5 is impossible. e6-e5 is impossible as a black pawn at e6 would have given check. other possible last moves are discarded in a similar way.
the position is legal as far as i can tell. white pawn structure indicates minimum 4 captures and this is possible as there are 9 black pieces on the board.